Furnishing a Joyful Environment for our Elderly

In a world where the elderly are often overlooked, Peter Sarasyn, CEO of Moments Furniture, champions their cause. His European-based company specialises in crafting high-end care furniture that is aesthetical pleasing and highly functional. Peter's motivation stems from a poignant personal experience where he witnessed his wife being offered a wheelchair after giving birth, a moment meant for celebration. This encounter ignited his motivation to design furniture that inspires and promotes joy for the elderly. Moments Furniture weaves comfort and reliability into the everyday lives of seniors, ensuring that ageing can be a joyful phase of life lived with grace.
Instructor Course Staff

Peter Sarasyn


Moments Furniture Group (Europe)

Beyond the boardroom, Peter’s passion extends to healthcare, where he channels his skills and experience to make a meaningful difference for ageing people and hospital patients. Dedicated to lasting impact and a strong believer that nothing is impossible, he’s a leader who blends his team spirit mindset with a personal touch, fuelling others to find innovative products to accomplish a happy life for all.  As a long-distance runner embracing serendipity and a father of two amazing kids, he goes beyond the ordinary, amplifying existing ventures and enhancing solutions to shape a brighter future for all.


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Furnishing a Joyful Environment for our Elderly

Peter Sarasyn, CEO of Moments Furniture, advocates for dignified aging. His European company crafts non-stigmatizing, high-end care furniture, striving to redefine the aging experience. Peter draws inspiration from personal experiences, aiming to create environments that inspire and bring joy to seniors' lives.